On 1/10/06, Drew Van Zandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While it does seem like a few man page pointers would be better (more
> instructive in the long run), I have to admit I wasn't familiar with cut, so
> I've learned something from this one.

  Since we're on the subject...

  Is there a tool that quickly and easily extracts one or more columns
of text (separated by whitespace) from an output stream?  I'm familiar
with the

          awk '{ print $3 }'

mechanism, but I've always felt that was clumsy.  I've tried to get
cut(1) to do it in the past, but the field separator semantics appear
to assume one and only one separator, not "whitespace" (one or more
space or tab characters).

  I get the feeling there is some command or switch I'm not aware of
that I should be using.  This hyptherical command might work something
like this:

         ls -l | foo 3

to extract just the third column (username) from the ls(1) output.

-- Ben
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