> Actually, on a slightly more serious note, this Microsoft ad copy makes the
 > same mistake some of their print ads do.  I quote: "Overall, more software
 > revenue is generated on Microsoft Windows operating system than any other
 > operating environment" 
   I noted something similar when I looked at the site's business case page.  
They feature a graph of how many billions in revenues there were for various 
operating systems.  Well, from a customer's point of view, that's generally a 
*bad* thing -- you want the software company to be profitable enough to 
ensure support and them staying around, but the idea that the max revenue is 
the best thing is erroneous.

   Microsoft's errors will hardly be noticed though.  They're playing on the 
American cultural mores that "more is better" and "greed is good".   Those 
cultural factors combined with most people just briefly skimming the text 
will ensure that they sucker in many people.


"I will not go 10,000 miles from here to help murder and kill another poor 
people simply to continue the domination of white slave masters over the 
darker people of the earth." -- Heavyweight boxing champion of the world 
Muhammad Ali announcing he is refusing to fight in the Vietnam War.
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