Tom Buskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Unix Shell Programming by Kochan and Wood is a classic on shell programming
> Portable Shell Programming by Blinn
> The Awk Programming Language by Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan

I'm also a big fan of Kernighan and Pikes, "The UNIX Programming
Environment".  When I first saw this book I thought it was going to be
more of a C programming book explaining thinks like linking and
compiling under UNIX. However, it turned out to be simply a great book
on how to get around the shell and do a variety of things in the UNIX
environment.  So named the UNIX Progamming Environment because, as
we've all seen here, the shell is *programmable* :)

And, yet another plug for my all-time favorite UNIX book, "The UNIX
Philosophy" by Mike Gancarz, which has recently been updated with a
second edition (which I have not yet read) The Linux and UNIX
Philosophy.  This book does a fantastic job of explaining exactly
*why* UNIX is such a great environment, and why other competing
environments just can't compete when what you need is raw power and

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