First, thanks to everyone for the insights.

Jim Kuzdrall writes:
 >     If you are using SuSE, you can get all the MS TrueType fonts via 
 > YaST Update.

        No.  FC and/or Debian (the HD with Gentoo died).  I suppose
alien of something like it might do?

 > As they explain, they can't include them because of copyright, but
 > Microsoft makes them available free.

        Hmmm.  Doesn that mean that there's a Microsoft download
server where I can get them.

 > I didn't get them because my old CD of Corel Linux had the whole
 > Microsoft set plus many more.

        It just so happens that I have a legally owned, unopend box of
Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux, Personak Edition, sitting next to me on
the floor (from when I almost decided to go GUI in July '99).  I'm I
likely to be able to pull suitable fonts off of those CDs without
installing WP?.

 >     If you want the fonts, I can gzip a bunch and email them to you.  As 
 > long as they are for private correspondence, there is no copyright 
 > problem.

        I suppose that's a question.  A resume is a business document.
But it's a personal business document.  If we're being scrupulous, I
don't know if that qualifies as personal correspondence.  And the
follow-on question is whether I would remember not to use them in some
future document.  I'd better forgo your kind offer.

 >     I have a collection of about 450 TrueType fonts from my purchases of 
 > Corel WordPerfect over the years.  Fortunately, one Manual had a 
 > section by a typography expert who outlined 8 or so font tasks and 
 > suggested several fonts for each.
 >     The expert emphasized readability over style.  The subset I use are 
 > based on that advice.  Remember that "Arial" and "Swiss" are knockoffs 
 > of the Helvetica print typeface, so there are not so many fonts once 
 > the near-duplicates are removed.

        I guess the choice for me is the most common Microsoft
specific variants.  Then the font metrics are more likely to be
identical on the HR guys Windows box.  (Maybe even on a Mac, if I
choose ones that are really Word/Microsoft specific.)  I guess that
I'll boot across into w2k and see what fonts wordpad knows about.

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