On Thursday 26 January 2006 08:27 am, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> The problems that a state needs to solve are oftentimes niche problems
> with no information on the solution required available to the "public at
> large" that is open source hackers. However, I am sure that given a list
> of requirements, most solutions could be duplicated in the open source
> world, especially if there was an incentive of cash to throw at it.
> So, the next step for evaluating that is the next step that the HB will
> be taking: Get the IT people in there to explain 1. What htey have and
> 2. What they need.

Isn't this basically the purpose of the Government Open Code Collaborative? 
(http://www.gocc.gov/)  This is the collaborative started by MA, RI, and a 
bunch of other states to essentially create a repository of solutions 
software for government, just to fill this void.  Perhaps NH should be 
influenced to join the collaborative if they are having problems of this 

There may not be a need for this stuff by anything but governments, which of 
course forces governments to outsource it or pay for the development.  But 
there's no need for every government to essentially develop the same things 
independently and infinitely be confined to inventing rounder wheels.
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