Ben Scott wrote:

>indicates "half a rack" is 20 U.  Assume $300/mo, and that's
>$15/U/month.  Of course, I dunno how any of this would interact with
>Colospace AUP/TOS.  And given that some (M. Stearns in particular) has
>mentioned "above basic" bandwidth usage, I'm sure the price will go
>up.  But it's a starting point.
>  Who else here might be interested in this?
*waves hand wildly*  $15/mo/U -- sign me up for one.  That'd do a nice
job of letting me get redundant mail/DNS, and is a heck of a lot cheaper
than "other" places.  AND would allow me to tweak my Debian how I see
fit, instead of having to go with their pre-installed stuff.

Of course, as an aggregate, we'd have to figure out how to cover those
who might drop out -- perhaps someone trustworthy could hold the purse
strings, and we could pay, say, $16/mo/U, and have a slush fund.

Regardless, if critical mass can be met, I'm in.

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