On 2/13/06, Neil Joseph Schelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm remembering only that someone mentioned having some experience with
> hard disc recovery services recently ...

  Well, I dunno if it was me, but I've used CBL
(http://www.cbltech.com) before with success.  One reason I like them
is they provide a free evaluation and quote.

> Can anyone with experience, suggestions in this regard let me know what I
> might suggest to pass on to him?  Especially price-wise and expectations?

  Prices typically start at several hundred dollars, and go into a few
thousand dollars.  This stuff is very specialized, and it isn't cheap.
 In many situations, all data can be recovered.  There are several
factors which affect both parameters: Type of failure, the extent of
the damage, how much data, and make and model of drive.  If it's a
failed component on the PCB and a popular drive model, the recovery
company might be able to do a simple swap.  If it got run over by a
truck, well, that costs more.

-- Ben
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