On Thursday 02 March 2006 09:49 pm, Michael ODonnell wrote:
>    http://www.peertech.org/
> ...I was presented with the default page from the WWW
> server on my own machine.  WTF?  But then I notice that
> the DNS is in fact resolving that address to
> which, at least in my experience, seems weird.
> Is this in fact some sort of normal situation, like maybe
> that's the standard way a dormant domain gets "parked" ?

Well, it's odd, but the manager of that domain can set whatever IPs he wants 
to do for these things.  It's definitely not parked.  Here's the output of a 
zone transfer below which shows that the owner set peertech.org and 
www.peertech.org to resolve to localhost, while he setup MX records, and 
domains for vpn and home.  

Perhaps he has just a sense of humor?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dig @ns8.zoneedit.com. peertech.org AXFR

; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> @ns8.zoneedit.com. peertech.org AXFR
;; global options:  printcmd
peertech.org.           7200    IN      SOA     ns8.zoneedit.com. 
soacontact.zoneedit.com. 1123553593 14400 7200 950400 7200
peertech.org.           7200    IN      NS      ns8.zoneedit.com.
peertech.org.           7200    IN      NS      ns17.zoneedit.com.
peertech.org.           7200    IN      A
peertech.org.           7200    IN      MX      0 mail5.zoneedit.com.
peertech.org.           7200    IN      MX      0 mail4.zoneedit.com.
vpn.peertech.org.       7200    IN      A
www.peertech.org.       7200    IN      A
home.peertech.org.      7200    IN      A
peertech.org.           7200    IN      SOA     ns8.zoneedit.com. 
soacontact.zoneedit.com. 1123553593 14400 7200 950400 7200
;; Query time: 179 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Mar  3 07:38:07 2006
;; XFR size: 10 records

That certainly 
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