On 3/16/06, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> IMHO, the schools should teach the important aspects
>> of computer programming ...
> My understand is that this is exactly how MIT has structured their CS
> curriculum.

  All good and true, I'm sure, but let's also not loose sight of the
fact that different people (students) are after different things.  A
lot of people just want to learn a little bit about some tool they
have to use.  They don't want to invest in an "education" on general
theory.  A CS student should learn that, stuff, absolutely, but this
thread started off talking about office suites.  But most of this
applies equally well to office suites, OSes, programming languages,
and any number of other things.

  A lot of people don't know much more than how to open a file in
Word, and that's probably all they need.  These people *can* probably
use OpenOffice.org without significant retraining, too, because "File
-> Open" works the same way in both.

  Many of these people will complain if presented with OOo, though,
because it looks different.  They also probably complained when
presented with Windows XP or Office 2003, for the same reasons.  I
know, I've been there.  Sometimes what is needed is the boss saying,
in effect, "Get over it".  Of course, the boss is not infrequently one
of these people, too, which makes things more difficult.  Showing the
boss the budget sheet (BIGNUM for MS Office licenses, zero for OOo
licenses) may help, there.

  Users with a significant investment in knowing how to use a given
tool are a bigger problem.  General theory is definitely the right way
to educate people who need that kind of investment.  However, that's
often not what gets done -- the nature of many people seems to be to
learn the steps needed to use a tool, not learning general theory.

  And don't forget that even general theory only gets you so far. 
Sure, techniques are the same in most any language, but learning all
the details of a language still require significant investment.  For
example, I know one of the big reasons Paul Lussier's shop uses Perl
and not Python is that everyone knows Perl already.  This is the
"installed base" problem, and it's huge.

  Let's face it, a word processor is not *that* complicated a tool, no
matter which way you spin it.  Re-training somebody is not that big a
deal.  But re-training *ten thousand* somebodies is.  Trivial times
many equals significant.  There's no easy way around this problem. 
One has to be forward thinking enough to realize that eventually, not
having to pay Microsoft $400/person every five years just to run Word
will eventually pay off.

  Choosing between expensive and free should be easy.  Choosing
between two free tools (e.g., Perl vs Python) is a much trickier
problem.  That's a can of worms I'm not going to open right now.  :)

  There's also another issue, which is that very often, things don't
get done the right way.  I know plenty of people who spend all day in
MS Word but don't know how to use it properly for large documents.  Of
course, the design of Word sucks horribly for that, so it becomes very
hard to use it properly in those cases, but even so, a little training
would go a long way there.  But it doesn't happen.  Even the users
often resist it.  I've seen the same with programming.  It's amazing
how many people who don't know how to design software are employed
designing software.  I don't have any answer to this one, other than
"people suck".  :)

-- Ben
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