"Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The 10.0.32/19 is an interesting beast.  The systems which live on it
>> have 2 NICs, the primary eth0, which *always* have a 10.0.32/19
>> based address (currently restricted to 10.0.33/24 for some reason?!),
>                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   As far as that restriction goes, I've read of crufty old code which
> assume everything follows the old classful model, with strict
> boundaries  even for subnets.   It might be that.

To be honest, I think it's more that we just don't have more 255 hosts
on that network... yet.  We're about to get 50 more systems in which
will bring us up to 251.  After that, things may well get interesting :)

>   As for the rest... wow... funky.  I do hope all that multi-homing to
> the same network is for test/simulation procedures.  :)

Pretty much.  It's to simulate how our product actually works.
Though, our product uses this type of setup in a very restricted and
controlled manner on a "backend", completely separate and private
network.  In theory, one installation of our product could approach
255+ hosts in a single installation, in practice, the number of hosts
in a single install is rarely more than 10.

>   Okay, in return for taking the time and effort to explain all that,
> I took the time to figure out how to get Perl to convert IP addresses.
>  Hopefully the following sample code will help you out:

[ code elided ]

>   Is that even close to what you were thinking of?

Yes, more or less.  Between you and Jason I've been able to come up
with exactly what I need.  Thanks a lot for all your help.  Why I
couldn't see this for myself is beyond me.  Of course, this week has
been full of me "missing the details" to the point where I somehow
managed to mail my taxes to myself from work the other day rather than
to my accountant :) So, just in case you wondered, the USPS system is
working at peak efficiency !

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