On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 19:17:48 -0400
Jason Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frankly, I think that is what the different distros are for, providing
> binary packages that work with their mix of software and libs.

I agree.  It's the flip side of a user's perennial question:  e.g.,
"should I wait for Debian to package XYZ for me or build it myself?".

> They [the distros] *should* be doing the work of distributing the
> binaries. 

If that's correct, a developer who tries to package binaries for
every distribution has chosen a difficult task.  A few organizations 
(such as Mozilla) can do it, but it's a big deal. 

If a developer asks that all distributions synchronize libraries isn't
she wagging the dog, getting it kind of backwards?


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