
With either Fedora Core 4 or Ubuntu 5.10, none of my USB device (flashdrive, usb mouse, usb external harddrive, etc...) works.

So I decided to remove linux then install Windows XP, and then install linux to have a dual-boot system.

The 1st link of Google results of "install windows linux" is on Microsoft website:


The article says that I need to use "Linux Setup floppy disk" to use fdisk to delete linux partition.

I am not sure what "Linux Setup floppy disk" meant, so I googled.

The 2nd link of Google results of "Linux Setup floppy disk" is on Redhat website:


One of 2 methods the thread suggested is to boot into rescue mode from linux installation CD.

So I used  Fedora Core 5 installation DVD and got into rescue mode by "F5"

Then I followed the steps listed on M$ article mentioned above, and deleted all linux partitions.

Then I put in Windows XP installation CD and restarted computer.

Sigh........ then I ended up with the following error message:

GRUB Loading stage 1.5

GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 22
The machine just hang there forever.

One Google answer suggested that I can use "fdisk /mbr" to wipe the boot record clean, but in rescue mode of Fedora Core 5, this (/mbr) seemed an invalid option.

Now, what should I do?

I can't help but feel completely pathetic now, which is in part due to that I found out I have to assemble the bike I bought online from Costco. Gee, why couldn't they just ship me a ready-to-ride bike??? (of course this paragraph is apparently off-topic, so I'd better stop here).

Thank you all in advance for the cures.

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