> I am looking for an IMAP mail client for emacs for one of my
> users. I have looked at gnus and mew so far. However, I can't get
> either of them to connect to the imap server. He also wants to be
> able to install the Win32 version of emacs on his Windows laptop and
> use emacs for mail there, as well, so that he can get rid of
> Outlook. Any thoughts?

I use Gnus with IMAP servers all the time (like, ummm, *right now*).
Here is some elisp that I hope will help get you started.  I have a
friend who runs a similar setup to mind on win32 boxen -- it works for

  (autoload 'gnus "gnus" "Read network news." t)
  (setq gnus-subject-lines-height 8)
  (setq gnus-treat-display-smileys nil)
  (setq gnus-treat-emphasize nil)
  (setq gnus-fetch-old-headers nil)

  ;;; From the GNUS manual:
  ;;; "If you have an extremely slow NNTP connection, you may consider
  ;;; turning article caching on. Each article will then be stored
  ;;; locally under your home directory. As you may surmise, this
  ;;; could potentially use huge amounts of disk space, as well as eat
  ;;; up all your inodes so fast it will make your head swim. In
  ;;; vodka."
  ;;; I don't like the cache, because, as Rob Pike says, there's no
  ;;; such thing as a simple cache bug...
  (setq gnus-use-cache nil)
  (setq gnus-user-login-name "fbloggs")
  (setq gnus-user-full-name "Fred Blogs")
  (setq gnus-your-domain "aol.com")
  (setq gnus-local-domain "aol.com")
  (setq gnus-your-organization "Department of Tautological Pleonisms and 
Redundancies Department")
  (setq gnus-local-organization "Department of Tautological Pleonisms and 
Redundancies Department"))
  (require 'nnimap)
  ;;;  here we setup gnus to read from two imap servers, one secure and
  ;;;  the other not
  (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
        ; no special configuration
        (nnimap "vanilla-imap-servername")
        ; secure
        (nnimap "secure-imap-server"
               (nnimap-server-port 993)
               (nnimap-address "secure-imap-servername")
               (nnimap-stream ssl)
               (nnimap-authenticator login))
  % you can debug imap problems by looking into this buffer
  (setq imap-log          "*imap-log*")
  ;;; BBDB
  (require 'bbdb)
  (bbdb-initialize) ;;;  'gnus 'message 'sc 'w3
  (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-gnus)
  (setq mm-discouraged-alternatives (remove "text/html" 
  (add-to-list 'mm-inline-media-tests '("text/html" nil (lambda (h) nil)))
  (add-to-list 'mm-discouraged-alternatives "text/html")
  (add-to-list 'mm-discouraged-alternatives "text/richtext")
  (add-to-list 'mm-discouraged-alternatives "text/enriched")
  (setq mm-automatic-display (remove "text/html" mm-automatic-display)
        mm-automatic-display (remove "text/richtext" mm-automatic-display)
        mm-automatic-display (remove "text/enriched" mm-automatic-display))

Hope this helps,

GnuPG ID: B280F24E                     And the madness of the crowd
alumni.unh.edu!kdc                     Is an epileptic fit
                                       -- Tom Waits

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