> But, if you'll allow me to be selfish for a moment, one thing I like about
 > the OLPC project is how much can be done with it in countries the the USA.

   I agree.  Myself, I think the project's real potential is in "first" 
and "second" world countries.

   Frankly, as Ben stated, I think it's pretty naive to think that laptop 
wouldn't be used primarily as a source of light in that Cambodian 
household -- or more likely just sold for cash.

   But somewhere like Mexico or some "second world" country that laptop could 
achieve its intended purpose.

   And here in the US, the OLPC might -- hey, I said "might"! -- work to 
establish an affordable, de facto EdTech standard and break schools out of 
the marketing-driven/gee-whiz/gadget-minded mode that they've been in 


"Any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretaps, it 
requires a wiretap, requires a court order. Nothing has changed by the 
way." -- US President George Bush lying to the American people, April 20, 
2004 in Buffalo, NY. Bush now admits that he was spying on countless 
Americans at that time without warrant and in violation of US law.
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