Hi all

I have just joined the list.

I am newbie running Slackware10.2 with KDE desktop.
I have long since upgraded to "mozilla-thunderbird-1.5-i686-1jim" which
I downloaded from <linuxpackges.net>

I want to change the date format of thunderbird to the default format
that I have configured for KDE (SHORTWEEKDAY-DD-SHORTMONTH-YY). My dates
show up as Tue-07-Jun-06. Basically I get confused between date & month
so I at lest like to keep one of them in words.

I did a bit of searching & found this site


My first question is why did all the pages that I came across, referred
to this (user.js) file? I did not find any such file, but I did  find
something called "prefs.js" /in/my/home/.thunderbird which seems to have
the same function.

So I added a line to the file (prefs.js) as per the instruction on
the page

user_pref("mail.ui.display.dateformat.default", 1);

it was supposed to show me time like this

Friday, December 31 2003 10:23 AM

but unfortunately it had no effect!! the date format remained as it was
before (06/07/2006 12:30 PM).

Then I installed this (configdate-0.3.6-tb.xpi) extension, which (as I
realized later) just automates the above mentioned process; and it also
had no effect (no surprise there I guess).

My dates (in thunderbird) keep showing as 06/07/2006 12:30 PM

I did check the /patch section for Slackware10.2 at <slackware.com> & it
 had mozilla-thunderbird-1.0.7
Could it be possible that thunderbird-1.5 is not compatible with
Slackware10.2 ?? or am I doing something wrong??

Oh! I am also using a custom compiled 2.6.13 kernel & my Location is KDE
is Bangladesh... could that have anything to with this all??


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