On Jun 23, 2006, at 16:56, Ben Scott wrote:

Are you saying the case has front LEDs, but no wires on them? How odd.


 The connectors that go on them are, I believe, essential the same
thing as a "jumper".  It's just that rather then jumping from one pin
to the other, there are two wires coming out.

 Googling for jumper+connector+wire appears to yield pretty good

Thanks. That helped get me googling. I started there, wound up searching for '2-pin cable' based upon results and then stumbled upon 'ID-bit cable' which led me here:

http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp? c_id=102&cp_id=10218&cs_id=1021806&p_id=696&style=&seq=1&format=1#largei mage

which makes some sense - these are the same kind of cables you would have used to jumper an external SCSI push-button ID selector. The old SCSI hard drives had a bank of maybe 6 connectors, 3 for id-bits, one for activity indicator LED, one for read-only, and one for spin-up delay.

Note to the intrepid - find someone selling them with an affiliates account and put up a webpage called 'hard drive indicator cables' with a link to them. ;)

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