On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 10:03 -0400, Ted Roche wrote:
> Kudos from Bill Sconce for pointing out that of the two Dapper Drake  
> disks - the well-named Desktop and the mysterious Alternate - the  
> Alternate disk can install in text mode easier, faster and  
> occasionally on a machine that has trouble with the GUI installer. I  
> updated an HP Omnibook PII-266 using the text interface and it worked  
> well.

I've been using Ubuntu on my corporate compaq nc6000 laptop since the
Warty and upgrading all the way to Dapper. Naturally it has gathered 
various configuration cruft along the way.

Recently I installed Dapper from scratch and have taken notes of all the
post-installation configuration step to get it set up the way I like it:


It is a cut-n-paste from a personal, private wiki so the formatting is a
little rough.

Marc Nozell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           http://nozell.com/blog

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