On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 02:33:08PM -0400, Tom Faska wrote:
> If you have not seen it yet go to http://www.qmail.org/ for information 
> on QMail.  Another very useful site is http://www.lifewithqmail.org/.
> I switched from QMail to Postfix several years ago but may still 
> remember enough to help if you get stuck.

There's also a qmail newsgroup (alt.comp.mail.qmail) that is reasonably
good, and of course a qmail mailing list if you want to expose yourself
to it :)

We use qmail predominantly here; I may also be able to help if needed.
Although I've hacked on it so much (including replacing the qmail-smtpd
portion with one written from scratch) I may no longer have the right

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