On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 15:57:03 -0400
Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1.  > has been looking for a reasonably priced solution. 

2.  > http://www.sentrypowertechnology.com/

Interesting site.  I'll make one prediction:  that 2. will
be found to conflict with 1...


P.S.  The client's landlord and/or structural engineers
might have something to say about 200 amp-hour batteries,
that much acid in a leased office, ventilation for the
effluent hydrogen during charging, structural checkout
for the weight of that much lead (if the office isn't in
the basement), and maybe a few other things.  OTOH, if
your client DOES solve 1, "reasonably priced solution",
a lot of us here will be grateful for the report!

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