At least I am not alone in this. I am going to keep working on it. I'll post if I make any progress.


On 9/27/06, Brian Chabot < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kjel Anderson wrote:

> Another question: I have a digital camera that will record fairly nice
> video,
> but unfortunately it records it as an *.mov file. I figured out how to
> use
> mencoder to change it to a variety of different formats. What I would
> like to
> do is to be able to edit several of these clips together. I tried to
> get Kino
> to do it by converting them to *.avi and then importing them. Kino
> pukes on
> that without a sensible error message. Does anyone know of an application
> that works fairly well for doing this?

Not in Linux.  It's EXTREMELY frustrating.

I got a cam a couple weeks ago and I've tried every Linux video editor I
could install without too much hassle.  My cam saves as MP4 files with a
.asf extension.  I can convert them (I am not on that system and can't
remember what I used), split them if I know what point to split at, and
play them fine.  Editing?
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaa.  A-hem.

At least the file transfer works out of the box.

MPlayer and Xine read and play the videos just fine.
Cinelerra thinks MPEG-4's and DivX files are BLANK if it recognizes them
at all.
Kdenlive (not updated since what? 2003?) thinks my files are blank, too.
Kfilm dumps core on file load.
LiVES - GUI makes no sense to me. Pretty, but senseless.
LVE: Roll a d6. 1-2 crash. 3-6 unrecognized format.
Pitivi loads the file, but thinks it's blank.

I had high hopes for Cinelerra.  I really did.

At the moment, I am forced by the sorry state of Linux software that is
way out of my league to fix to use Windows.  I'd use a Mac with iMovie,
but I can't afford even a Mac Mini at the moment.

If anyone does find something that works, PLEASE post it here.


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