On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 00:09 -0400, Jason Stephenson wrote:
> >> Exim ... It's my preferred MTA.
> >  Every MTA is somebody's preferred MTA.  ;-)
> True. I will enumerate the reasons that I like Exim:
> 1. It is not Sendmail.
> 2. It is very powerful.
> 3. It is what I know.
> [At least, I'm honest.]

In continuation of this tradition, my views and experiences pretty much
mirror Jason's.  So while I may not be adding a lot to the reasoning,
I'd at least add my vote towards exim for all the same reasons.

I don't have the time to offer to set exim up, but I'd certainly be
willing to help with debugging the config afterwards.

Cole Tuininga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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