Ben Scott sent out an announcement this morning
commemmorating the 12th anniversary of GNHLUG.

My congratulations to you all for continuing to build
a strong organization that can be envied by other LUGs
around the world.

I do wish to point out that the early meetings were
called by Bob Curry, KC1IB, and were held at the
Married Students' Housing (Forrest Park) activity
center on the UNH campus. Although Maddog wasn't at
the first meeting, IIRC, he did come to the second and
subsequent meetings, and thanks to him, we were
eventually able to get larger/plusher meeting quarters
in ZK3 for a while.

If anyone is interested, Bob Curry is now out in
Racine, WI, according to FCC records:

440 Augusta Street
Racine, WI 53402

We've come a long way since then, though, and I
personally appreciate all of the hard work that
various folks have put in over the years - we all know
who they've been and who they are now. Thank you,

Bayard R. Coolidge, N1HO
(formerly coolidgeatzeekaythreedotdecdotcom but now
just ennwunaitchohatyahoodotcom)

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