Mike and Kevin,

Thank you both for quick, detailed, and crystal clarification and explanation.

Just one more question:

"To the shell, anything inside of single quotes is a single argument, so all of the spaces, newlines, etc. in there are passed without shell interpretation" (quoted from the Mike's answer to my 2nd question).

Can this claim also be extended for double quotes?


mike ledoux wrote:

The backslash on line 3 is interpreted by the shell as a line
continuation, so yes, it is just for increased readability by
letting you break a long command line over multiple lines.  It is
not needed at the end of line 2 because the end of line 2 is inside
of single quotes.  To the shell, anything inside of single quotes is
a single argument, so all of the spaces, newlines, etc. in there are
passed without shell interpretation.

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