On Tue, 14 Nov 2006, Michael ODonnell wrote:
I have no love for ComcCast - I'd drop them yesterday
if I had any better (or even comparable) choices -

That being said, does anyone have experiences with other residential high speed providers that are in the same price range as Comcast?

Comcast has actually been pretty good to me. To be honest I can't remember the last time my Internet service was out. My IP rarely changes (once in 2 years) and for the most part they still seem to have a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy when it comes to having a server type box at home.

I'd love to try Verzion's FiOS but they're not offering it in my part of Nashua. :( If anyone here has it, how is it? I'm also not sure how any local DSL providers are stacking up these days. Feedback is appreciated.

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