On Tuesday 14 November 2006 19:21, Ben Scott uttered thusly:
> We're fortunate we got 
> XML, and not something truely awful like DER or OLE Container
> Documents or something.

OLE Container docs? Thanks for reviving those nightmares. I vividly recall 
having to deal with *memory leak* issues in those document formats -- yes, 
you got it right! Frequent updates to the document would cause *the 
document* to grow enormously in size until you performed a specific purge 
operation, the details of which I am glad to say I've forgotten.

Yes, XML is *way* better...

Quite frankly, there were many annoying problems with OLE. Trying to do 
anything *useful* with OLE beyond simple linking to Excel spreadsheets got 
you into deep waters, fast. Hideously complicated, underspecified, and 
chocked full of bugs galore. 

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