Who  : Shawn K. O'Shea
What : VMware tips: features, advantages, installation, quirks, demo.
Where: Martha's Exchange
Day  : Thur 16 November **Tomorrow**
Time : 6:00 PM for grub, 7:30 PM for discussion

:: Overview

Want to switch between Windows (or BSD or flavors of Linux) without that tedious reboot delay? It can be done by creating one or more software virtual machines on the same physical machine!

Shawn O'Shea will share his considerable experience installing, configuring, and maintaining VMware, a commercial product. The talk will span general getting-started tips to subtle, obscure details - including a good try at answering your specific questions.

>>> RSVP to "Heather Brodeur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for dinner to assure adequate seating. <<<
!!! I don't have the list of regular attendees, so I'd appreciate affirmative 
RSVPs from everyone this month.  Sorry for the inconvenience :-( !!!

Driving directions:

Heather Brodeur
Office Manager
Red Hat, Westford
+1-978-392-3198 (phone)
+1-978-392-1001 (fax)

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