"Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> An older version of cdrecord sees both drives, but can't write to it ...
>   So what does it being a newer version of cdrecord/wodim have to do
> with the problem?

I can only find 2 versions of the software in the debian archives, the
one in stable and the one in testing (I haven't looked in unstable).

The older (stable) version can see one of the drives but not write to
it.  The newer (testing) version can't do either.

>   Not being a smart-ass; trying to understand the problem.
>   If it did work, do you still have a copy of that software (when it
> worked) around that you could test with?  If not, do you remember what
> version worked?

The version that did work is evidently long since gone from my system,
probably when I upgraded something-or-other to testing a long time
ago.  I have no recollection of what that was.

>> $ sudo cdrecord dev=1,4,0 -dummy speed=52 edubuntu-6.10-install-i386.iso
>   What does 1,4,0 equate to.

That's the scsi drive. dev=scsibus,target,lun

>  You mentioned one is SCSI; which is what, and what's the other one
> attached via?  If ATA/IDE, are you using "native" support, or
> ide-scsi?  Either way, try switching to the other one.

The other one is ATA/IDE, and I can't figure out how to get cdrecord
to 'see' the ATA drives.

>> Device seems to be: Philips CDD-2000.
>   Holy crap, is that accurate?  Are you sure it hasn't just died of
> old age?  :-)

This has to be incorrect.  Both drives are HP and are a lot newer than that.
Well, the SCSI drive might be that old actually, it's only a 4x drive.

>  If it's *not* accurate, try forcing the appropriate cdrecord driver.
>  I forget the details, but I'm sure the man page remembers.

Perhaps.  I haven't found the man page overly enlightening...
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> Q: Are you sure?                                                    
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.           
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