Hey folks, 

I was wondering if y'all would be willing to weigh in on web based email
clients.  I'm looking to set one up for my virtually hosted clients.  


Must be able to auth against a MySQL database
Must be able to compartmentalize virtual hosts
Must be able to handle (Courier) IMAP-SSL
Must be able to handle sending messages through a SMTP server that
requires TLS auth
Must be compatible with Exim
Must be able to prevent users from changing their "from" address.

Nice, but not required:
Addressbook that can be shared within a virtualhost
Interface that can be used with text based browsers

I've played with squirrelmail before, and IIRC it will fill all my
requirements, but I'd be interested to hear opinions and/or experiences
regarding other packages.


Cole Tuininga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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