On Feb 9, 2007, at 17:35, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:

I do not think I will be able to "send it along", as this is a
for-profit business and I think he wants to franchise it. Before anyone jumps on the "for-profit" part, it has kept the program sustainable and
high-quality.  Students whose family can afford it (after all, the kid
HAS a computer, right?) help to pay for the poorer families. And there
are donations by agencies.

Understood. I can't start yet-another-business at this point, so it's probably not the right fit for me. I was hoping to recommend it to some of the tech admins at some of the schools I do work for, but if it's a closed solution we'll just have to wait for somebody to invest in this program locally. It'll probably be great if somebody does, I'll mention it if the opportunity comes up.

I was able to look through their website using automatic translation (via the FoxLingo Firefox plug-in) and it was plenty readable. I found out you were:
  “maddog”, great divulgador of the Linux around of the world.

That's a damn cool title!


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