No, that's not what I was referring to as nonsensical - I do understand
the legal issues around DVD thoroughly, as much as I detest them.

What I was referring to was the quagmire of interdependencies in some
packages that make it difficult/impractical to update to new versions
conveniently. (I have an even bigger issue with some applications that
require the installation of development packages to _run_ them at all,
never mind playing with their source code and recompiling them.)

Yes, the x64_86 architecture is supposed to be able to run i386/i586/i686
binaries, but that doesn't always mean every such module will be totally
comfortable with all others; I foresee some issues along that line that the
Linux development community will need to iron out.

I know that Windows isn't exactly perfect, either - I've already had a
couple of nasty problems with printer drivers that could have been
avoided, and I resolved them only by reading some informal forums;
neither Microsoft nor HP had any official information about the issue.



Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
  Well, the DVD issue is far from nonsensical; it's legally mandated
by the MPAA (who have bought and paid for said legislation).  you.

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