My friend, Jomar Silva from Brazil, who brought Ecma 376 fast track for
XML to my attention a short while ago, sent me this link to the official
ECMA response to ISO members.  It seems like the "fast track" has failed
and that it will now go through a longer review process.

The next step, as I understand it, is for the ISO "P" (for
"Participating") members to participate in this and to vote on it five
months from now. I believe that the "P" member for the United States is
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

While I expect ANSI to do a better job than Microsoft, for something as
important as XML we might want to keep an eye on this.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Jomar Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ecma responses to ISO
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 14:14:37 -0300

Hi Maddog,

    I've received yesterday a link to the oficial ECMA response to ISO
members comments regarding the OpenXML Fast Track.
    Note that just the "P" (participant) members of ISO JTC1/SC34 where
able to sent comments to ECMA (as far as I know, other members
    The document can be accessed at
    Best Regards,


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