On 3/9/07, Drew Van Zandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone in the LUG have colocation experience with MV

 You might say that.  The GNHLUG website and/or mailing list have
been hosted with MV, in their Manchester colo facility, for years.
Free of charge.  I think we've only had one significant outage (the
transformer fire Bruce mentioned).  Once when our server locked up,
they hit the reset switch for us, and then *apologized* for not having
the system on their ping monitor list, and assured us that they would
add it and keep an eye on it for us in the future.  I was and still am
dumb-founded at this level of service.

 Granted, if you're not a non-profit organization with minimal
bandwidth needs (like GNHLUG is), I expect they'll charge you a fee
for this service, but I still think it's tremendously worth it.

 I've also heard Mark Mallett speak of how MV.COM got started, how
they've grown and changed, and their approach to business.  Talk is
cheap, of course, but I still feel pretty confident in saying that you
won't be able to find a colo with better customer service anywhere on
Earth, for any price.  Better facilities, sure (MV is just a local ISP
in the mostly rural state of NH, after all), but not better customer
service.  And I've learned that facilities don't matter much if
there's nobody who cares around to apply them.

Also, there's little discussion of bandwidth on their website.

 Like most co-lo facilities, you pay for the bandwidth you want.  If
you want a T3, I'm sure they'd be happy to provide the capacity.  :)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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