On 3/16/07, Bayard Coolidge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I bought a laptop recently with two SATA hardrives.

 Did it actually have two physical disks, or just one disk split into
two partitions?

 Either way, it would be useful to know what partitions exist on what
disks, and what their purpose is.  For example, one possible layout
might be:

sda1 = 80 GB Windows
sdb1 = 1 GB Linux boot
sdb2 = 1 GB Linux swap
sdb3 = 78 GB Linux main (including root and /usr)

 You might also give make and model of the laptop.  It's often
possible to speak to what a given vendor does as standard practice.
Otherwise, we have to speak in generalities and possibilities.

So, the upshot is, I have a nicely working openSuSE installation, and
I can also boot Windows whenever I want to (which is rare). I'm toying
with the idea of "migrating" this installation to FC6. I'm perfectly willing
to spool off my /home directory (and certain other critical system
configuration files) to DVDs, and "wipe" the openSuSE bits but ONLY
if it won't screw up my Windows installation.

 Well, without knowing the layout of disks, partitions, and boot
loaders, it's hard to say with precision, but in general, that should
be possible.

 During the install of Fedora, you will be prompted to install a boot
loader.  Just let it overwrite what's already on the boot block of the
first disk (no loss, since that's already happened).  The second stage
GRUB stuff will also get overwritten, so everything should be happy

 Fedora should detect the Windows partition and include that in the
GRUB boot menu automagically.  You will, of course, have to make sure
you don't tell Fedora to overwrite any of the Windows partitions you
may have.

(No, I don't want to go to FC7, since it's still being tested - I need a stable
environment, and no, I don't want to migrate to a Debian-based installation,
since I'm not as comfortable/experienced with it as I am with SuSE and Red

 Given the above, you may want to consider CentOS.  It's a clone of
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), rebuilt from source, but generally
binary-compatible.  It has the advantage of a longer release cycle
(years instead of months), but would still have the familiar Red Hat
design.  Fedora vs CentOS basically comes down to "the latest and
greatest software, features, bells and whistles -- and problems" vs
"slow, stable, and unexciting, and occasionally somewhat dated".

 I tend to run CentOS at work and Fedora at home.

 On the down side, RHEL 5 was just released Wednesday, and CentOS 5
is still in beta.  The general release will be a few more weeks in
coming (at the least).  That might put you in the same situation as
with FC6 vs FC7: Install something now that will be semi-obsolete in a
few weeks, or install something still in "beta" quality.

Has anyone tried this? Any particular suggestions (aside from backing
up everything, which I will anyway) on how to proceed?

 Did the laptop come with restore/re-install media?  In the unlikely
event that Something Happens(TM) to the Microsoft Windows side of
things, you may need to reinstall or repair Windows.  These days,
manufactures provide generally provide any of the following:

(1) A special "recovery" or "restore" partition.  This special
partition is typically triggered with a special keystroke during POST
or boot.

(2) "Recovery" or "restore" media (CD/DVD).

(3) Actually install media (CDs) for Microsoft Windows and layered software.

 Options 1 and 2 generally do not provide actual Microsoft Windows
"SETUP" functionality.  Rather, all you can do is nuke the contents of
the existing partitions, overwriting them with the "factory image".
When you're done, the laptop is back to the same condition it was in
when you first took it out of the box -- working, but all your own
data and configuration will be lost.

 Option 1 is additionally worse, because the special partition can be
damaged in any number of ways, making it impossible to fix Windows.
In that case, you generally have to order option 2 media from the

 Sometimes the vendor will provide a Windows-based utility which will
let you create option 2 media (CD-R/DVD-R) from the option 1

 Option 3 is not the "one-step restore" that options 1 and 2 are, but
enables things such as fix methods that don't erase everything.

 Oh, and back up everything.  ;-)

-- Ben
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