I want to thank all the people that sent me email on the "F***king Cool"
email, and anyone that is inspired to send more, it is certainly

Now what I would like to concentrate on is more of the line of
"Wow, I (or my boss) would really like to see that at work...


"I did this (bought this, made this, programmed this) and it made my
life at work soooooooo much easier (faster, less chance of mistake,
etc.) than it was before.


"I did this for my boss (CIO, CEO, CTO, or even your supervisor) and he
was SOOOO impressed that he gave me the next week (day, hour, 10
minutes) off with pay."

This could be from either a systems administrator standpoint,
or an end-user standpoint, but we would like to stay in the area of FOSS
or FOSS-products.  Things that would win brownie
points for you with PHB-types would also be nice, as explained above.

Don't be shy.  Things that you think no one would be interested in, or
are "intuitively obvious" may not be to other people.
If people are really shy, you can send email just to me.


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