If anybody is tallying votes, my vote is:

1:  don't split the mailing list.

2:  encourage members of this list to stay on topic in the way that we
    always have.

3:  treat members like adults

4:  expect members to be adults

If you have been on this list for any amount of time and you have a
brain, you will know that the group generally frowns upon posts that
basically extol some political viewpoint.  We as a group aren't too
bad at telling other members of this list to not post to the list with
such political topics.

The current brouhaha came into existence when one of our members did
something new -- he posted regarding an activity that has dubious
legality.  So, let's just solve this problem by all agreeing that such
topics are verboten.

Personally, I think that splitting the list would be a lot of work and a
big hassle.  I also think that it would be a disaster, because I can
envision a lot of traffic on each split list that read "please post
your fine message to the <other> list".

I think that the S/N ratio of this list is OK, which is why I continue
to participate.


GnuPG ID: B280F24E              Never could stand that dog.
alumni.unh.edu!kdc                   -- Tom Waits
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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