I wanted to step forward and state the following:

 I am in the unenviable position of being both an active participant
of this list, and the present owner and chief administrator of the
server which hosts it.

 In general, when it comes to this group, I aim to strictly avoid
unilateral action on my part.  My preferred method of operation is to
take action only if there is a strong and persistent consensus to do

 Yesterday, I took the unusual -- indeed, I believe unprecedented for
this group -- step of making a Policy Decision without prior
conference.  I did so because I judged that certain discussions put
myself and this group at real legal risk.  All arguments aside, legal
battles are something I wish to avoid.

 I stand by that decision.  Once transfer of ownership of the server
to GNHLUG is complete, should the GNHLUG Board or the plurality of
list members desire it, I will gladly step aside and let this become
somebody else's problem.

 Going forward, unless I explicitly state otherwise, anything I post
to this list should be considered my personal opinion.  My opinions do
not necessarily reflect the views or policies of GNHLUG or any other
person or organization.  So unless I say so, it's just me being my
normal loud-mouthed, opinionated self, not Official Policy.

 Now.  The remainder of this message *is* Official Policy, until and
unless a future decision countermands it:

 This system may not be used to facilitate any activity which is
considered illegal under US or NH law.

 That's straight from the newly-updated (but long existing) Terms of
Service.  Use of this system is subject to all of them, not just that
one.  You should read them:



Ben Scott
GNHLUG Systems Janitor
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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