Today's Nashua Telegraph has an article on the front of the second
section "Who needs TiVo when you’ve got a room full of geeks?" by Dave

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Here are some quotes:

Kaufman was at New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord thanks
largely to Jon “Maddog” Hall, Amherst’s world-famous Linux guru. (The
two men are practically neighbors but hadn’t realized it previously –
another nod to geek-led community building.)

Hall is executive director of Linux International, in which role he zips
around the globe advocating open source. But closer to home, he’s also a
driving force within the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group, the
biggest of the state’s several LUGs.

In that role, occasionally he brings together Granite Staters who love
to plunge waist-deep into computer code, and organizes an open-source


The MythTV project was born in 2002. Like most open-source projects that
depend on the effort of volunteers, it remains in what might politely be
called a state of flux.

In other words, it works (sort of, usually) but it’s not easy.

Alas, it remained in flux Saturday, when things did not go quite as
smoothly as was hoped, largely because the technical leader called in

“We may have to delay the follow-up,” Hall said, ruminatively tugging on
a long white beard that invariably draws Kris Kringle comparisons.

I was only able to hang around for the morning, and folks were still
wrestling with software downloads when I left. 


If they can create a device that makes TV shows I want to watch, then
even I will learn how to assemble it. Although maybe that’s too mythical
even for MythTV.



Marc Nozell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

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