Ok, I admit I didn't really read all this stuff, I just took a cursory
scan. So, if I'm totally
off on this just ignore me.... Anyway, How about using secondary IP's
on the NICs so
you can have one set of addresses you don't control (and get outside
etc.) and another
set you do control and are part of your mini-domain?

e.g. eth0 is dhcp,
then something does this: ifconfig eth0:1 10.x.x.x yadda...

hat makes sense.
> Yes, it does; you'll have to go the "create an additional route" method,
> then.
> If you don't need to access the rest of the surrounding network, a
> static route just to the gateway will do; something like this:
> $ sudo route add -host dev eth0
> If you do need to access the rest of the local network, too, then you'll
> need a network route, like this:
> $ sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0
> Normally, there is a script that automatically runs these commands,
> filling in the values from ifcfg-eth0.txt, but they are only set up for
> simple networks; you'll need to find someplace to put the "route
> add ..." command to have it run automatically on boot.
> Either way, this gives the network stack information about where to send
> packets destined for your gateway.
> > >> ...  I'm not familiar with
> > >> CentOS, so I don't know if there's an easy way to do that.
> > >>
> >
> > btw... CentOS is just Red Hat Enterprise Linux, with a different logo.
> Thanks; I was aware of that, but I'm not familiar with RHEL, either.
> I've got 10 years of Debian in my fingers, and 1 month of RHEL.  If it
> was a Debian-based system, I'd tell you to put the extra route commands
> in /etc/network/interfaces as a 'post-up' option.  As it is, somebody
> with more RedHat-fu will have to answer that part.
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