> That said when I called DirecTV to get HD channels (old TV wasn't  
> HD) I
> was informed that DirecTV no longer has an agreement with TiVo and no
> longer offers DirecTivo. DirecTiVo is a combo box that combines all of
> the features of DirecTV with TiVo in one box. The UI rocks.

That is correct, the DirecTV/TiVo agreement is gone. They will  
eventually be phasing out support for all current TiVo units.  
Originally I heard this year, but it got pushed back.

> Apparently DirecTV is moving from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 or something and  
> the
> HD DirecTiVo DVR that I purchased just a few years ago isn't  
> compatible
> with the new MPEG-4 compression or something...

That is correct, they switched from MPEG2 to MPEG4 for local HD  
channels. The HD DirecTiVo can only get premium channels in HD.

> Has anyone on the list gone through this switch? Anyone using the
> DirecTV DVR? Any feedback on the system?

I have not personally, but I've seen the DirecTV DVR, it's really not  
that bad. I think it's worlds better than the Comcast DVR.

> Anyone know if I'm getting ripped off? Should I really be paying for a
> new DVR when my old DVR is only 2 years old?

If you want locals in HD, you really don't have a choice.

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