
I attended "Near-Fest", the replacement for Hosstraders the Ham Radio
Festival on May 4th and 5th.  Near-Fest was held at Deerfield Fair
Grounds. For the last several years GNHLUG has had an advocacy role of
promoting Linux and FOSS to Ham Radio Operators at this outdoor Ham Flea
Market and Convention called "Hosstraders".  Then last fall the
organizers of Hosstraders called it quits after thirty years, and a new
group of people called "Near-Fest" took it over.

For a first try, these guys did a good job.  Of course they were
leveraging off the previous Hosstraders program, but they were
relatively well organized and had a good turn-out. I say "relatively",
since when I called two weeks before to check up on my space I had
reserved, they told me that they were "sold out", and that we did not
have a space.  When I pointed out that I had reserved one by email
months ago, they admitted that they were a bit confused about the
linkage between "GNHLUG" and "Linux", but that we did indeed have a
space reserved.  Then when I showed up a bit late on Friday, there was
another vendor in my space who also said that they had made a mistake on
his reservation.  Eventually everything worked out, but it was

Ben Scott showed up the first day.  We had agreed that for this first
Near-Fest we would not do a big "dog and pony show" and that we would
stick with some simple laptop demos.  I had printed up some half-page
brochures about GNHLUG which included our URL, etc. but we did not make
distributions to give away.  Ben did give away one copy of a distro to a
guy who begged him for it, and I made up a distro when I got home and
mailed it to someone who lived in Maine and had only dial-up.

Other people also showed up, but the second day collided with "Kentucky
Derby Day" and we did not get the normal GNHLUG faithful to help staff
it, so I was mostly alone that day.

The admission price for people was basically $10. per person and $10.
for a car, with $35. for an RV hookup (tent camping was "free").  Those
who drove in with a car or RV could basically set up a table and/or
tent/tarp and sell their "stuff" for the same price as admission.

>From a GNHLUG perspective, we were part of the "commercial vendors" who
were inside of two large buildings.  I paid $40. for an 8-foot space,
and an additional $16. to rent a table for the two days.  The building
was nice and there were plenty of electric outlets.  The building was
unheated (of course), but at least it was dry.  As a commercial vendor
I was able to enter without the $10. fee and bring my car in, so the
privilege of being in the building really only cost me $20. for the
eight-foot space.

To compare these prices with the old "Hosstraders", we paid $35. for
about three tables worth of space.  We typically had one table for the
demos and to make CDs, with one or two tables ($14. per table rental)
for putting "stuff" to swap/sell, etc. on.

Given the cost of the space in the commercial buildings, I would suggest
that future GNHLUG/NEAR-Fest activities inside the building be limited
to demonstrating Linux/FOSS and the "stuff" be kept outside by someone's
car for sale/swap, unless the "someone" wishes to contribute another
$40. and provide a table for their "stuff".

Likewise, while the old Hosstrader's organizers knew about GNHLUG and
Linux, the new organizers were a little confused about our participation
and why we were there.  I tried to show them over the weekend what we
were about and how Linux and Ham Radio really do go together.  Bill
Sconce reports that at least one major "Ham Radio" magazine has been
having FOSS articles in it, so this may help make us more of the
"family" in the future.

Since the buildings were fairly good at DeerField, I would suggest that
GNHLUG might want to try and develop some simple classes in how to
install Linux, or use some Ham tools with Linux to do at the next

October 12th and 13th, 2007.  I will be in Toronto that weekend, so I
will not be able to attend or lead this.

If someone else would like to take the mantle for the Fall Near-Fest,
I will be happy to give you the contact information for it.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557       Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.
WWW: http://www.li.org

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

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