Hey all, 

Thought I'd ask around to see what software folks are using these days
for providing searches on their websites.  

The site (in my particular case) that needs the search is an engineering
company with a decent sized parts list and lots of industry lingo.  They
need the engine to be able to do matching based on phonetic matches
(soundex or similar is good enough) but they also need to be able to
have the search engine understand searching for different word tenses
(not just substring searches)  For instance, when searching on the term
"connector", the software should be able to figure out that "connection"
is also a match.  

The other thing is that they want is to be able to customize the search
results in a very particular manner.  That is, for any of the search
results that are for a product page, they want the result to include a
thumbnail picture of the part.  It's definitely fine if this bit of
functionality requires some coding on my part.

For a long time, it seemed the "the" answer was ht://Dig
(http://www.htdig.org).  In fact, the main page still seems like it
covers everything I want (not sure if that last bit is possible or not
though) but it seems like it is no longer actively developed?  The last
(beta) release was in 2004.  I gave it a try anyway and while it largely
seemed like the old ht://Dig that I used to know and love, it seems
awfully slow.  There's only about 300-400 pages to index and the
indexing seemed to take a long time (30 minutes plus) and the searches
seemed rather slow as well (10-15 seconds).  This is all on what I would
consider pretty reasonable hardware under non-existent load.

I played briefly with mnoGoSearch (http://www.mnogosearch.org).  It
seemed alright, though I couldn't seem to get it to do anything but
exact searches.  (Probably just needed to play with it more).  

In any case, I thought I'd turn to the list to see what recent
experiences folks have had with search engines.  Thanks!

A: Yes.                                                               
> Q: Are you sure?                                                    
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.           
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

Cole Tuininga

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