On 6/14/07, Mark Mcsweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems to me that an organization that is looking to provide low/no
> cost computing to disadvantaged citizens would be able to provide the
> best service with a FOSS solution rather than by an expensive,
> proprietary system.

  I can't speak to this Donation Networks in particular, but I know
Microsoft offers fairly big discounts to NPOs, and the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation will often pick up the rest of the tab, so
the software is often "free".  Microsoft isn't stupid; they'll give
away their products as long as it strengthens their overall position
(i.e., perpetuates their lock-in).

  Which is not to say DN isn't worth targeting for FOSS advocacy.
Contract administration and license management have costs, too.  With
FOSS, those just disappear.  And there's always the whole "Freedom"
aspect.  While most people seem to be quite happy to be sheep, there's
still a significant minority who value their freedom.

  Would anyone else here be interested in working on a FOSS advocacy
project targeting DN?

-- Ben
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