> Suppose I'm Happy Windoze User wanting to check my McOutlook Address
> and Contact Folder from the road, and I want to RDC to my XP box ...
> Are you saying they won't help me with this?

  That's exactly what I'm saying.

  Say it with me now: They do not want you doing anything other than
sucking down content.

> Are they really THAT Nazi about which side of the CPE my butt is located?

  It's a violation of their ToS.  As far as enforcement goes, they
generally don't care enough to proactively hunt down offenders.  So
unless you're making waves, you can usually get away with it.  Even if
you call support, they'll likely just say they can't help you, and
leave it at that.  But if you make a stink, or cause grief for the NOC
or legal, they'll disconnect you in a heartbeat.

-- Ben
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