On June 21, 2007, Paul Lussier sent me the following:
> "Drew Van Zandt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=2480&p=2
> Hmmm, interesting... Thanks!

I was looking at these a while back. I remember there were some negative
comments about the Gigabyte i-RAM on NewEgg concerning Linux
compatibility, though I'm not sure how something that acts like a SATA
drive wouldn't work.

Along similar lines, http://www.hyperdrive4.com/ available through
http://www.hyperossystems.co.uk/ though it's considerably more expensive
than the i-RAM.

Chip Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     http://kyzoku.2bithacker.net/
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