Does anyone know of a tool that will help determine
Internet-application performance throughput for overall data window

My company has a client that depends on a hosted application.  While
only one of their offices used this app, things worked very well for
them.  Now that they're rolling it globally, they're noticing
significant slowdowns in certain areas.  We already use Akamai and
some fairly extreme caching settings to keep the dead-bits to a
minimum, but the dynamic parts are showing some trouble.

Essentially, they're telling us that they're seeing choke points in
the 8k range for throughput.  We've gone through all of our equipment
and assured that we're using 64k windows sizes on the send and receive
sides.  Still they see this.  It's one of those "it must be on your
end" discussions and we're working hard to get all the data that they
request, but it's hard to quantify this "in flight" number that they
keep touting and showing pretty graphs of.

The tool that the client's group is using is Opnet IT Guru/ACE which
is a fine tool...  but if I can get a req for $50k for software in
under 6 months, Hell may have a need for those double hockey-sticks...

Any advice is much appreciated.

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