On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 13:54 -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm gonna have to start putting a "Please read and consider my
> > entire message before replying" notice at the top of all my posts...
> But that would eliminate much of the hilarity ensuing from those 
> who take snippets of your posts completely out of context :)
> Not to mention the fact that the words "Please read" at the top of any
> e-mail pretty much guarantees most people won't :)

I, for one, read and considered Ben's entire post before replying.
However, since Ben had singled out stored procedures as one of the
"annoyances" that MySQL did not have and in his next paragraph stated
that MySQL had "improved with features", yet had not mentioned stored
procedures, I surmised that he might be uninformed that not only has
MySQL implemented "stored procedures", but that O'Reilly has published
an entire book on the subject:


which I happened to see at OSCON last week.


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