I'm planning to set up an HA mysql cluster. The database serves as a
backend to a set of webservers (HW loadbalanced). The DB has light load,
but when it breaks the site breaks, so I can't really get away with it
as a single point of failure.

So here were my options:

Replication - One master server accepts writes, on write ships it's logs
to the slave server(s). Async may not be a problem, but seems silly
there's no flag to wait for the slaves to report a write was successful.
DRBD - Write all data onto a shared network block device. Use heartbeat
to determine which server should be running mysql which lives on that
shared block device. Use a cross overcable to prevent strange network
Cluster - Needs at least for nodes. Far to many for this setup.

I think I've settled on the DRBD method. Using a network block device
and failing back and forth using heartbeat and a floating ip, though log
shipping seems pretty straightforward.

Does anyone have any positive or negative feedback on any of the


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