On 10/10/07, Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vista is one sick OS.  It may just be the crapware
> installed, but it is slow and easily confused.

  Bloatware is a huge problem.  If possible, I recommend a clean
install from an OS disc without OEM-added bloatware.  (Whether that's
an option depends on what the OEM gives you, and I don't know if the
Vista licensing rules even allows that.)

> What live CD (DVD) distribution would you recommend.

  Of all the live CD distros I've tried, I've had the best luck with
Ubuntu in the "just works" department (especially when it comes to
laptops with wireless networking, which all seem to belong to the
chipset-of-the-month-club).  The Knoppix DVD release, while rougher
around the edges, wins in the "most software crammed onto one disc"

> Also, whatever live distribution I try, what would you recommend for a dual
> boot setup.

  Knoppix isn't (or wasn't) really designed for permanent install.
It's focused on being a live CD, and updates are (were?) not that
frequent.  Ubuntu has regular updates, which makes it more suited
towards a permanent installation.  I think.

-- Ben
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