On 10/15/07, Thomas Charron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone had experience with using CA backup solutions backing up
> CVS and MySQL data repositories?

  CA as in ARCServe?  Ewww.   Horrible software.  Run, do not walk,
away from that crap.

>   It really concerns me that our Sysadmins are planning to do this, as
> they don't want to take down the MySQL or CVS servers while they do a
> backup.

  Just about anything that keeps its files open all the time is *NOT*
going to work well for this.  Upon a restore, best case, it will seem
to the software as if the machine lost power at the time of the
backup.  The "best case", because a backup isn't instantaneous, and so
different parts of different files will get backed up at different
times.  Such a situation may not be recoverable.

  The saying about how "Nobody really cares about backups, it's the
*restores* that matter" comes to mind here.

  With database servers, there are typically two approaches to solving
this problem.  One is to have the database server do a
dump/export/whatever to disk file(s) before the backup runs, and then
just backup those files.  Essentially a two-stage backup.  Not
sophisticated, but often reliable.  The other approach is to have
special backup software that can speak to the running database server
and suck the data out in a backup-ish way.  In the payware world, such
software is often called an "agent" (as in, "Oracle agent", "Sybase
agent", etc.).  Such don't need the disk space for the extra files,
and may have other benefits.

-- Ben
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