On 11/1/07, Steven W. Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday, Nov 1st 2007 at 11:50 -0000, quoth Ben Scott:
> =>On 11/1/07, Steven W. Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> =>> PS4='+${0##*/} line $LINENO: '
> =>
> =>  Wanna just tell us what that means?   :-)
> Instead of running
> script
> if you want to debug it, then set PS4 and then run
> bash -x script

On the same note, has anyone used the bash debugger?  I used the kshdb from
the O'Reilly KSH book when I was doing large scripts.  The book explains how
they do it and I think PS4 is part of that.
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